From Charlie Chaplin's Dairy memoirs: A Journey from Misery to True Happiness

 From Charlie Chaplin's Dairy memoirs: A Journey from Misery to True Happiness

What was Charlie Chaplin's real name?
The real and full name of the great actor: Charlie Chaplin is (Charlie Spencer Chaplin)
Charlie Chaplin was born in England, London, on April 16, 1889 AD.
Charlie Chaplin's father was a multi-talented singer and actor, and his mother was known as Laila Hilary. She was a wonderful actress and a great singer who gained her wide fame through her work in the field of opera.

How big was Charlie Chaplin?

How did he achieve happiness after such widespread fame?
In his memoirs, he wrote that after he achieved the beginnings of his legendary success in Hollywood, and the mere appearance of his name on the movie screen in theaters spread a wave of joy among the viewers in preparation for the expected joy, he took the train trip from Chicago to New York, and the trip took five days. He was surprised when the train stopped on the first... A station with crowds like the "Day of Judgment" and thousands of citizens carrying banners welcoming him and dozens of people entering the train looking for him.
force the train driver to wait until Chaplin takes to the platform and
witnesses a ceremony honoring him. The mayor of the city and its elders
surround him. Music is playing. Flags are raised and pictures of Chaplin cover
everywhere. Chaplin, astonished, gave a short speech of thanks to those
present, and toasted victory and success with them. ...and he returned happily
to the train and continued his journey, and the scene was repeated with a
stronger ovation at every station he stopped at.
Until he was surprised, while still on the
train, by a telegram from the New York police chief asking him to get off his
train at a small substation before the main station because the public had been
blocking its entrances and exits since the morning and the police would be
unable to get him out of it. So he complied with the police commander’s request
and went to his hotel in a car with the curtains drawn. Then the crowd
surrounded him from everywhere, so he entered it with great difficulty and went
out to the balcony to return their greetings like historical leaders several
times, until the police succeeded in dispersing them after a lot of effort so
as not to obstruct traffic, and the crowd actually left and Chaplin was alone
in his suite at the hotel and wondered, as he wrote. In his memoirs:

What is this happening to me now?

Here I am at the peak of my success, as if everyone knew me while I knew no one. I began to lament my situation, and an incomprehensible bout of sadness took hold of me. I remembered a successful actor who said to me a few days ago while he was in great distress:
- Now, Shali, we have “arrived” at what we aspired to, so what is the value of all this? .
The rest of them are sleeping at this moment next to their wives and children, and it is not appropriate to wake them from their sleep or snatch them from the side of their wives to disturb them with such thoughts. As for the others, they are not friends of the soul to whom he can speak without embarrassment and undress in front of them and reveal to them his misery, weakness, and confusion. They are acquaintances. ...or colleagues...or friends of fame and work in which they only see the famous star...and the strong, successful person...even if he wanted to talk to one of them about the unhappiness, fear and anxiety he feels, he will not be able to do so...the tongue does not obey its owner and does not reveal With true feelings, except for true friends to whom he is not ashamed to talk about his concernsI suddenly found myself thinking about the old friends I hope to meet while I am crowned with all this great success, and I wonder: Do I have any old friends left...and where are they now?
Chaplin continued his journey of success. He entered the world of millions and married his first wife, who was a beautiful actress. His marriage to her failed after both of them became busy with their films and their success. They only met at the dinner or breakfast table for weeks. Then news of her relationship with a new young actor reached him, so he divorced her and lived alone for a few years without knowing anything. He was still at the peak of his success and wealth, and yet he was overcome by a feeling of depression and loneliness, so he wondered one evening while sitting alone in his luxurious suite in the largest hotel in Los Angeles:
Who is the “friend” that I can call now without embarrassment and tell him that I am depressed, bored, and miserable, and I want to talk to you at my ease, communicate with you, and alleviate my distress and loneliness? . He thought about his question for a while, then came to this expressive answer: No one! .. Yes .. No one .. Despite all the fame, lights, and fans surrounding him, and those eager to get close to him and win his friendship, the old true friends dispersed in life.
Because of this moment in which Chaplin asked himself this question, he made a wrong personal decision that had a painful impact on his life. He decided to respond to one of his fellow actresses and marry her due to his loneliness. It was another miserable marriage that took several years, and ended in failure and problems, after which he returned to a life of loneliness. other years,

When did Charlie Chaplin know true happiness?
When did Charlie Chaplin know true happiness?


I suddenly found myself thinking about the old friends I hope to meet while I am crowned with all this

great success, and I wonder: Do I have any old friends left...and where are they now? . "

Charlie Chaplin knew true happiness only when he was approaching fifty when he met a young girl 
who came to work with him as a novice actress in his films named Oona O'Neill. She was the daughter 
of the famous American playwright Eugene O'Neill. He loved her and she loved him with 
an overwhelming, controlling love and for his sake she gave up her dreams of art and fame and married
 him. Despite the opposition and boycott of her father and family
Next to little Oona, who was twenty-one years old, Chaplin lived the happiest days of his life since
 he met her...until he passed away after about twenty-seven years, and she bore him nine children. 
Chaplin died while he was living with her in Switzerland after his emigration from America...
and he wrote about her in his memoirs, which He issued it in 1964, saying that after about twenty years 
of marriage, when he goes with her to a public party or a visit, he sees her coming before him, head held
 high, with gentle pride, and his heart overflows with love and gratitude for the happiness, love, and 
wealth she has bestowed on his life.
Oona died more than ten years after Chaplin's departure, not regretting her marriage to him, 
which sparked a family storm that did not subside until she gave birth to her second child!
What do we understand from this true story of the famous actor Charlie Chaplin??

What do we understand from this true story of the famous actor Charlie Chaplin??

The truly serious significance is that Chaplin lived alone and miserable in his success..
.and his fame...and his wealth...and his first two marriages...until he met Oona O'Neill...
or Oona Chaplin, and she loved him with a true and ultimate love...and he loved her with 
a tyrannical, controlling love, so he was happy with her and she was happy with him, but he did not feel.
.. After being associated with it with loneliness or unhappiness for a single moment in his life, 
even though his era as a genius comedian had ended and the world had changed, the crowds were no 
longer a home in front of the theater on the opening night of one of his new films, and the police 
no longer dispersed the crowds with heavy batons around him, and he had retired from art, cinema, and life. But none of that matters in the eyes of a rational person who searches for true happiness.
This is the rule of life and there is no one to change it. Every success has a cycle of rising to the top,
 a limited period of survival above it, and then a cycle of inevitable decline to the other side. Every
 time has its men and stars. So what does all of this mean when he has been satisfied with practical
 success in life? Fate did not deprive him of true success in private life with a beautiful woman 
who loved him and sold the world for him...and he loved her with all his feelings, and always
 filled her with feelings of gratitude, pride, and love, along with children and grandchildren who fill his
 life with everything that calls for joy, contentment, and happiness.
Yes...he is no longer famous or “wanted” to the same extent in the international cinema market 
as was the case in the first years of glory...but he is also no longer alone or miserable as he was at 
the height of his glory, fame and brilliance! .
