From Peril to Refuge: Afghan Film Archivists Find Sanctuary in Germany

 From Peril to Refuge: Afghan Film Archivists Find Sanctuary in Germany

Amidst the ongoing instability and challenges faced by Afghanistan under Taliban rule, a glimmer of hope emerges for three Afghan film archivists and their families. Thanks to a collaborative effort spearheaded by the Artistic Freedom Initiative (AFI), the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), the Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek (SDK), and Arsenal – Institute for Film and Video Art, these individuals have found safe haven in Germany.

Prior to the Taliban takeover in 2021, those working in cultural fields, including film archives, faced significant threats. Persecution, including extrajudicial killings, arrests, and public humiliation, became a harsh reality, forcing many to flee or abandon their professions. These brave film archivists, dedicated to preserving their nation's cinematic heritage, were especially targeted.

Upon learning of their plight in July 2022, AFI sprang into action. Collaborating with FIAF, SDK, and Arsenal, they began the intricate process of securing humanitarian visas from the German government for the archivists and their families. Overcoming challenges such as changing entry regulations in Pakistan and temporary visa suspensions in Germany, the collective effort yielded success in September 2022.

Today, these families are safely resettled in Berlin, their cultural contributions recognized and protected. Mr. Hashimi, one of the archivists, even received a scholarship from the Martin Roth Initiative, further solidifying their path towards rebuilding their lives and continuing their vital work.

This story transcends an individual success; it embodies the power of international collaboration and unwavering dedication to cultural preservation. It offers a beacon of hope amidst the complex situation in Afghanistan, demonstrating the enduring significance of art and the tireless efforts to protect it.

Key Takeaways:

Afghan film archivists faced threats and persecution under the Taliban regime.

AFI, FIAF, SDK, and Arsenal collaborated to secure their safe passage to Germany.

Three families have been resettled in Berlin, ensuring their safety and the continuation of their vital work.

This story highlights the importance of international cooperation and cultural preservation.
